(PataQash is Offline) Launched 16th October 2021
Not familiar with earning in pataqash? Here are a few steps to assist you if you are new to the likes of online platforms like pataqash technologies.
1. Referrals win (affiliate link marketing)
The best way to make a profit on this platform is by doing referrals or inviting other new users into the platform which will get you paid a certain amount of money depending on their earning level. With pataqash it’s no different. When you visit their website, you will be required to be a paid member to access all their earning features from:
- Affliate marketing/ referrals
- Casino spins (luck based gamble)
- Earn from watching YouTube Videos
- Paid Advertisements
- Cash awards for top earners (in affiliate category)
1. Affiliate Marketing/ referrals
As mentioned above, after you’ve registered to pataqash you’re required to pay Ksh 450 as the activation fee. Upon paying this, you’ll be given access to a dashboard that presents you an overall progress of your account balances with pataqash. With new referrals, you will earn a certain amount of money, which will be reflected here. There are 3 earning levels. Level 1 is a name given to the first group of people who join the platform using your link. For those interested, instructions on sharing your referral link are given in the dashboard.
Anyone who clicks or uses your link to register to pataqash and successfully pays as a member, also gets the same privileges as you do, with an access to the 5 earning methods mentioned above. For each member, you earn Ksh 250. That’s your level 1.
Pataqash Technologies affiliate level 2
Without much of a difference from the level one system mentioned, the only difference with the level 2 is that you will also earn money from the people on your level 2 group. For every member invited by anyone in your level 2 and gets to pay the activation fee, they will access all the earning features of pataqash and will also earn you Ksh 100 each.
Pataqash Technologies affiliate level 3
On the last leve, you’ll be earning money from your level 2 group. Anyone who joins pataqash website after having used a referral link from anyone on your level 2 group, will earn you Ksh 50. Every new member gets their own tree of levels, and as much as they may be a level 2 or level 3, they always have their own level. (ie. The first people they invite will fall to their level 1 then from their level 1 they can get level 2 and three. Similarly as has been the case with you, and so applies to everyone else.
On the referrals method is where majority of the users base their focus because that’s where they can make the most amount of money within a short period of time but of course depends with your efforts too. Skills on how to introduce new people into the business and explaining how it works is a skill and requires a bit of skill to keep doing to right.
Many other websites may do a review about pataqash technologies very well but leave out the fact that most of the users on such platforms have been doing it for a while and have a grown audience that they work together to make money on such platforms and it might not be so easy for starters.
We have seen the likes of celebrities emulating these platforms for quick cash since they already have a large based audience and they can post their referral link and earn so much money in just a short while. This quick earning trend then dies out and they have to switch to a different platforms so the very same people can join again using their link and earn more.
It’s pretty a complicated earning method as it can only be selective on who it benefits and who it doesn’t.
These platforms always do very well within several weeks after launching, then after a while when many members have joined and the upward earning trend is saturated, there won’t be more profit going on and that’s why they go mute after a while and are reborn as the same platforms with the same system buy just different branding and names. To be on the safe side, always be up to date with the launching dates of these platforms.
On the top of the page, is an indication on the launching date of pataqash technologies and whether it’s still online.
If the live indication states offline, often after about 4 weeks, don’t join the platform as the users in there have flattened the earning trend and this may mean the late comers might be at an earning disadvantage.